Virtues & The 5 Strategies of The Virtues Project™

Here are some of the virtues:

Acceptance Endurance Honor Modesty Self-Discipline
Accountability Excellence Hope Nobility Serenity
Appreciation Fairness Humanity Openness Service
Assertiveness Faithfulness Humility Optimism Simplicity
Beauty Fidelity Idealism Orderliness Sincerity
Caring Flexibility Independence Patience Steadfastness
Cheerfulness Forbearance Initiative Peacefulness Strength
Commitment Forgiveness Integrity Perceptiveness Tact
Compassion Fortitude Joyfulness Perseverance Thoughtfulness
Cooperation Friendliness Justice Purposefulness Tolerance
Courtesy Generosity Kindness Reliability Trust
Decisiveness Gentleness Love Resilience Trustworthiness
Detachment Grace Loyalty Respect Understanding
Determination Gratitude Mercy Responsibility Unity
Diligence Helpfulness Mindfulness Righteousness Wisdom
Discernment Honesty Moderation Sacrifice Wonder

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The 5 Strategies of The Virtues Project™

Strategy 1: Speak the Language of the Virtues
Language shapes character. The way we speak, and the words we use, have great power to discourage or to inspire. The language of virtues helps us to replace shaming and blaming with personal responsibility and respect. It is a frame of reference for bringing out the best in children and ourselves. It helps us to become the kind of people we want to be.

Strategy 2: Recognize Teachable Moments
Recognizing the gifts and life lessons in our daily challenges helps us to cultivate character in ourselves and others. When we have the humility and confidence to learn from our mistakes, every stumbling block becomes a stepping stone.

Strategy 3: Set Clear Boundaries
Virtues-based boundaries focus on respect, restorative justice and reparation to create a climate of peace and safety. Personal boundaries help us to build healthy relationships and protect our time, our energy and our health.

Strategy 4: Honor the Spirit
This strategy begins with respect for the dignity of each person and encourages us to make time for reflection, reverence, and beauty. It is expressing what is meaningful in our lives by participating in the arts, honoring special life events, and sharing our stories. Creating Vision Statements increases unity and morale in our homes, schools and workplaces.

Strategy 5: Offer Spiritual Companioning
By being deeply present and listening with compassion and detachment, we help others 'to empty their cup'. This counselling approach empowers others to define teachable moments and to reflect on their virtues. It supports moral choice, intimacy in relationships, and peaceful conflict resolution. This process is a powerful tool for healing grief, anger, and trauma.